RowAround 2021

Our route from Wigtown Bay Coastal Rowing Club, Isle of Whithorn, to Stranraer Coastal Rowing Club

Over 72 nautical miles from the Isle of Whithorn, home of our club, to Stranraer, RowAround was never going to be an easy task for us. Add to that the restrictions of 2020, and RowAround 2020 became a virtual event for everyone. Now in 2021, we have started RowAround Scotland 2021 before we are allowed to get together to row. We have cycled, run, walked, kayaked, and paddleboarded to Stranraer to celebrate the Year of Coasts and Waters 2021, and 10 years of the Scottish Coastal Rowing Association.

We are especially excited to have travelled through Portpatrick, where they are borrowing our frame and moulds to build the next St Ayles skiff for the Scottish fleet. Welcome to the team Portpatrick. We shall all be rowing for real soon!

Community Baton at the Isle
Alastair hands the baton to Ken
And we’re off!
Ken and Ziva through the village
Ken, & his escorts Phil, Bev & Jannine
Almost to Burrowhead
1st leg day 1 complete!
Medal time
Day 1 leg 2 baton handover
Brian leg 2 on the coastal path to St Ninian’s Cave
And he’s off at a pace
At Glasserton, going strong
Brian hands over to Louise for day 1 leg 3
Louise & escort Jon
Louise at Monreith, end of day 1
Day 2 Dru takes the baton from Karen at Monreith
Dru on her way to Port William
Day 2 leg 1 Dru at Port William
Day 2 leg 2 starts; Dru handing over to Jacqueline at Port William
And she’s off! Jacqueline’s solo run from Port William to Auchenmalg to meet Sue
Baton handover for day 2 leg 4 at Stairhaven Sue to Vikki
Stairhaven to Wigtownshire Golf Club
Still paddling
Medals end of Day 2 leg 4
End of day 2 leg 5 Jon at Sandhead
Day 3 Leg 1 Sandhead to Portpatrick Hamish & Pete ready for the off!
On their way!
Hamish & Pete at Portpatrick Day 3 leg 1 done!
Baton handover for Day 3 leg 2 Portpatrick to Stranraer via Southern Upland Way
And they’re off!
Bob, Vikki, Tina & Gibby on their way…
Wigtown Bay CRC at Portpatrick; Karen
It’s all about celebrating our coastline and our club.
Karen spreads the word about Wigtown Bay CRC at Portpatrick
End of Day 3 leg 2 Gibby hands over the baton to Dave for the cycle to Wig Bay
Dave & Jon at Wig Bay Loch Ryan
Finale time, Dave hands the baton to Becki & Lou to paddle board into Stranraer from Wig Bay
And they’re off! Day 3 final leg to Stranraer
On the water as planned
It might be Loch Ryan, but it is still open water paddle boarding!
Escorted in by kayakers; Steve, Colin & Karl
So close
Landed, shattered but triumphant, Wigtown Bay CRC made it to Stranraer! 3 days over land and sea. Done!
Community Baton passed from Wigtown Bay Coastal Rowing Club to Stranraer Coastal Rowing Club
The gauntlet is down! A terrific team effort.
Thank you to all who took part, all the back up crew, the organisers, the drivers.
Thank you to Richard Lucas of Gallery 64 for the photography.